Mickey Mouse

I am having a hard time falling asleep tonight so I decided to do some writing. I sat here for a while in the dark room lit by my computer screen. This story came to mind. 

When I was younger, I somehow managed to get a splinter on an old piece of wood. The pain was unbearable. I would not stop crying. Every time an adult tried to get it out, I would run away screaming. After a number of failed attempts, an ambulance was called. I don't remember much of that day but I do remember the EMT who arrived. She had a Mickey Mouse watch on. As a seven year old, Mickey Mouse was far more captivating than any splinter, so once she offered to let me wear her watch if I let her look at my splinter, I agreed. I don't know if it was the Disney magic that made the pain subside, but nevertheless, it did. I remember being so focused on that watch that I didn't even realize she had taken the splinter out. 

It's funny. I didn't realize it back then, but what a Jesus thing this was! Jesus tells us to focus on him amidst the storms of life. In the midst of pain or anxiety, although it may not be easy, it is far more worthwhile to to focus on what brings us joy.

I am thankful that the EMT shifted my perspective. As a seven year old, I needed that. Even now, I need to remember to continue to do this. I think we all do. When the splinters of life come, we need to find our Mickey Mouse watch and focus hard.

So look for the beauty in the chaos. It's there. I promise you. It's in the laughs of loved ones and the sunrise that hits the back window. It's in that nice warm cup of coffee and the fresh fallen snow. It's in the verse of your favorite song and the comfort of your favorite sweater. Look for the beauty. 
Look for Jesus.